Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 8, Assignment 2

There were many areas during this class that help me grow as a writer. Even though I usually give myself time to write papers, I realize that giving yourself plenty of time to do your research is the key to be successful when writing a paper.  The research in Satir's Human Validation Therapy,  I did over this course weeks provided me with a good amount of information to not only prepare for this class but for a paper I had to write for another class. I have to admit, each week's assignments help me not to stress over, since, as weeks went by, I was more equipped with information and felt like the review of each article, book, etc., helped me achieve the result I needed.  The literature review was like the “abstract” of a research paper and the steps to complete this week’s assignment were helpful to gather substantial information as if you were writing a research paper.

Family Therapy is always evolving, learning how it started and the different approaches initially used were a good start.  Unfortunately, as therapy evolves, so the core of family systems.  As times change, so the approach to treat patients; if therapies were to implement the same treatment as in the past, would they be successful or fail when treating individuals?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 7, Assignment 2

      I am astonished! How much can a person missed if they are unequipped when doing some research? This week’s lecture, led me to believe, I was absolutely uncertain on what to do when citing my sources. I visited several web pages and to say the least, it was challenging to find all the information I needed to cite my sources.  I was fully confident of my research, the information provided on them and as I was almost finished wiring my paper, I was hit with the fact of listing my sources in APA style. Two web sites were the ones I have used in the past but through my previous community college. Learning how to navigate through the actual websites was not only a huge task but very frustrating. When visiting the Perdue OWL website, I found it a little frustrating, and decided to go with the Citation Machine Web page.  I had to navigate through it before getting to the place I really need to, the reason was, I was using youtube videos for my research and was not entirely sure on how to cite them. I ended up on the Citation Machine’s old version and that is I became familiar with it. 
      From this point on, I am certain, I am equipped with the correct tools to do not only good research, but to write a well written paper.  I have to admit, sometimes, frustration makes you realize that I was not as well prepared as I thought and there is always something new to learn that can help you in the long run.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 6, Assignment 2

What a difficult task is to build an meaningful essay. One think I knew from the start of this semester was, that in order to have a well written essay, was to be willing to spend time doing research. As weeks pass, I came to the realization that my original interpretation was correct. I have about 20 articles/journals I've read and have almost 100 pages of highlighted notes, not to mentioned the 3 books I borrowed from different libraries and have yet to finish reading. Compiling all the information will be challenging, especially trying to refrain from plagiarism.  This weeks reading gave me a better understanding on how to cite sources to give credit to the author by using quotations and by adding it to the bibliography notes. Following the information giving during these week's readings, I am more aware of the proper way to write my research paper. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 5, Assignment 2

Every day, as I move along this class, I can say that I feel more empowered.  The information provided on CH. 5 on "How to Empirical Research" can help you get information on a subject was very helpful.  I learned that “keywords” are different from “controlled vocabularies” especially when the same words are used for searching.  It is useful to know, how databases are designed to give the results we are looking for.  This week, I wanted to use this information to expand my knowledge on my research topic and was pleased to find over 66 new articles.  All these new information will be used in preparation for my final paper for my other class.  Even though, at times it seems like a lot of time invested on putting knew knowledge to practice, I feel confident I can successfully apply what  have learned.